From September 1st to October 4th, the Christian family unites worldwide in prayer and action for creation.  The 2024 theme is “To hope and act for creation” and refers to Romans 8:19-25 where St. Paul tells us that “the whole of creation is waiting with eagerness for the children of God to be revealed.”

In his homily on Sunday morning, Bishop Martin Hayes reminds us of the importance of “being thankful for God’s creation, for the delicate and interlocking set of relationships of which we are part.   He invites us to respond to our Christian calling of stewardship and responsibility for creation and that this means caring for all natural life in the widest definition of that term. “When we tune into the rhythm of nature and believe in creation as a manifestation of God’s beauty and goodness, “we experience love and nourishment, home and protection” (Season of Creation Prayer 2024).  Bishop Martin invites us “to enter into the gift of creation, and participate in the struggle of creation in hope of a new life.” As Christians, our faith assures us that hope is always available to us, even in the midst of our struggles.  Hope is an embodiment of love and love always leads to positive action.   

Bishop Martin also made reference to the good work that the Kilmore Care of Creation Group are doing in raising awareness and promoting positive action in the care of our common home with particular reference to the 30% return of church grounds to nature initiative, the wildflower meadow area sown for biodiversity to the left of the Cathedral and in the grounds of our neighbouring Church of Ireland across the road and the Season of Creation Nature Based Display in the sanctuary which will be available for viewing and interaction over the coming weeks. 

For Bishop Martin’s full homily, please click on the following link: Homily-Season-of-Creation-22nd-Sun-Yr-B-1st-Sept-2024

For the Season of Creation Prayer (2024), click here