The Kilmore Care of Creation Group and volunteers attended three training and practice-based workshops (Seed Saving, Scything and Seed Sowing) on the grounds of the Cathedral of Saints Patrick and Felim in Cavan on the 18th September 2024. 

This is part of an ongoing biodiversity plan in the Cavan Parish and response to the Irish Bishops pledge (2023) to return 30% of church grounds to nature by 2030, the biodiversity crisis which we are facing (a crisis which is breaching safe limits worldwide), Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’ on Care for Our Common Home and the agreements made at the UN Conference on Biodiversity (COP15). 

Bishop Martin Hayes, the episcopal co-ordinator for Laudato Si’ sent out an invitation to parishioners from the Kilmore Diocese and its neighbouring Church of Ireland, the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh in July 2021.  Patricia Keenan (the then elected Chairperson) reports that the Group have achieved a number of their objectives over the last number of years, from forming a Diocesan, community led, voluntary run, not-for-profit group which is inspired by Pope Francis’ invitation to care for our natural world and all of its inhabitants, to raising awareness, education and action to address the climate and biodiversity crisis, acknowledging our connectedness to the Creator and all that He has created, to promoting ecological and sustainable lifestyles, fostering community resilience and empowerment and advocating for an economic model that includes a just transition and addresses over-consumption and a throw-away culture.

The Group take a collaborative approach and enjoy working in partnership with others.  Community is at the heart of what they do so listening and valuing others is very important.  Their recent Season of Creation Display in the Cathedral was based on the theme ‘To Hope and Act with Creation’ and focussed on ‘Our Reliance on Nature’.  We live in a common home where everything is connected and interconnected.  This requires us to take a mindful, valued and considerate approach that involves both give and take when it comes to our natural resources.  Our vocation as Christians is to be protectors of God’s handiwork (LS 217).  This requires us to live in harmony and right relationship with God, with nature, and with each other.  Pope Francis invites us to be mindful of our impact and to be ecologically proactive during our short time on this life-giving planet.  We must protect it now to ensure its viability for future generations. In a Joint statement from Pope Francis and several other faith leaders ahead of the COP 26, UN climate summit, Glasgow, they called upon everyone to take action for the restoration of our planet, saying; “Future generations will never forgive us if we miss the opportunity to protect our common home.  We have inherited a garden; we must not leave a desert for our children.”

The Group are working on facilitating a number of initiatives to deliver biodiversity training to parishes over the coming months.  This will also involve the formation of Care of Creation Groups in every parish and community led action to meet the 30×30 biodiversity initiative on church grounds.

The Chairperson would like to thank all the members of the Kilmore Care of Creation Group together with the volunteers who carried out the work, Bishop Martin Hayes and Fr. Kevin Fay for their support, the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary, and Barry and Brian Kavanagh for delivering the training and action led workshops.

If you would like advice/guidance on supporting biodiversity in your parish, please email: [email protected] or phone 0772 4050 618

Some photos of biodiversity in action:


Photographed above are some members from the Kilmore Care of Creation Group and volunteers who carried out conservation, enhancement and maintenance work on the wildflower meadow at the Cathedral of Saints Patrick and Felim, Cavan)

