[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form] Feast Of The Body And Blood Of Christ 18 June 2017   Before he ascended into heaven Christ promised his disciples – paradoxically: “I will be with you always, till the end of the world.” Christ remains with us above […]

Homily at Mass to celebrate 70th anniversary of ordination of Msgr. P.J. McManus

MONSIGNOR P.J. MCMANUS 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION 2 July 2017   First of all I congratulate you, Monsignor P.J. on this happy day. I congratulate you not just on reaching this rarely seen landmark on your life’s journey and your priestly journey, but on reaching it with some style – with a clear mind and […]

Feast of St. Felims. Patron of the diocese of Kilmore

FEAST OF ST FELIM Patron of the Diocese of Kilmore 9 August 2017 I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was on a pilgrimage to Wurzburg in Germany with a parish group from Mullagh. We went for the annual feast of St Kilian, who was born in Mullagh and who brought the faith to […]

Homily at the Conferral of Acolyte on Padraig Kelly.

CONFERRAL OF ACOLYTE PADRAIG KELLY St Clare’s Church, Manorhamilton 10 June 2017   The ministry of acolyte that Padraig will receive shortly is the final stage on the journey to the order of Deacon. As the readings of our Mass today suggest, it is concerned very much with the ministry of the Eucharist. As an […]

Homily of Bishop Leo O’Reilly at the welcome Mass for the relics of Saint Oliver Plunkett 6thJune2017

Around this time of year bishops would normally be preparing to make new parish appointments, the annual diocesan changes. The reason ‘the changes’ happened at this time of year was simple. Whatever vacancies might have occurred could now be filled because there were new priests, who had been recently ordained, waiting for appointments. Some of […]


HOMILY FOR THE INTERNATIONAL MASS Basilica of St Pius X, Lourdes World Communications Day, 28 May 2017   Dear fellow pilgrims, we are here in Lourdes on the 7th Sunday of Easter, after the feast of the Ascension and before the feast of Pentecost. Our first reading today describes this in-between time when the apostles […]


FUNERAL MASS FR CHARLES HEEREY 30 April 2017   The story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus is one Fr Charlie would have used at many of the funeral Masses he celebrated in the course of his long, and very fruitful ministry.   I think he would be very happy to have it […]

Bishop Leo’s homily. Easter 2017

EASTER 2017 One of the most common sights during the years of the recession was the ghost estate. There’s something very sad about an abandoned housing development – half-finished houses, walls but no roofs, gaping holes where windows and doors were meant to be, overgrown mounds of clay or sand or gravel and scattered bits […]

Bishop Leo’s homily at Chrism Mass 2017

CHRISM MASS 13 April 2017 In a few minutes I will bless the Holy Oils that will be used in conferring the sacraments in our diocese during the coming year. Today we commemorate the institution of two of the sacraments in a special way – Holy Orders and Eucharist. The Eucharist is remembered later today […]

Statement by Bishop Leo O’Reilly on the publication of the report of the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry

I welcome the publication today by Judge Anthony Hart of the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry Report. From the outset I wish to apologise to everyone who suffered abuse perpetrated by a priest or religious. To abuse a child is a most abhorrent act, is evil and to be condemned unreservedly. Today I am thinking in […]