
Diocesan Safeguarding Conference 2015.

Bishop Leo O’Reilly and the safeguarding personnel throughout the Diocese of Kilmore gathered at the Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan for their annual Safeguarding Conference which took place on Tuesday 12th May 2015.  Personnel include clergy, parish safeguarding representatives, parish recruitment committees, diocesan safeguarding committee, advisory panel, pastoral assistants, parish youth officers, permanent deacons, diocesan advisors, care persons, trainers, Lourdes pilgrimage leaders, coordinator of safeguarding and designated liaison persons.

Bishop Leo informed the conference that for the past year the NI Dioceses has worked on developing a safeguarding vulne


rable adult policy and that the Kilmore Diocesan policy is now in place. The policy provides guidelines for good practice for all, but especially for clergy, staff and volunteers working with vulnerable adults or vulnerable groups. The aim of the guidelines is to provide a safe environment for vulnerable adults in the context of ministry. They set out the essential elements of good practice for keeping vulnerable adults safe.  Training has taken place in November 2014 and April 2015 to underpin the vulnerable adult’s policy. Diocesan personnel who have direct contact with vulnerable adults attended the training, which was delivered by ‘Volunteer Now’, a specialised training agency based in Belfast, which provides training for keeping children and vulnerable adults safe.

Bishop Leo thanked most sincerely everyone for their continued commitment to best practice in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.  He commended them for their hard work and urged them to continue to be vigilant in this very important ministry to children, young people and vulnerable adults.    

Guest speakers were Dr Melissa Darmody from Towards Healing, Una Allen from Towards Peace, Brian Ryle and Essie Browne from the HSE Counselling Services.  Speakers informed the conference about the services that their organisations offer to victims of abuse.

Melissa Darmody Towards Healing

Dr Melissa Darmody is Clinical Director of Towards Healing and she informed the conference that Towards Healing is an independent organisation providing professional support for people who have experienced institutional, clerical or religious abuse in Ireland.  Towards Healing is funded by the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, the Conference of Religious of Ireland, and by the Irish Missionary Union. 

Una Allen Towards Peace

Una Allen, Director of Towards Peace, stated that Towards Peace offers spiritual support for survivors of abuse by Church personnel. The service is for those whose faith has been damaged by abuse and who wish to continue their search for meaning and for God.  Towards Peace is funded by the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, the Conference of Religious of Ireland, and by the Irish Missionary Union.

Brian Ryle HSE

Brian Ryle spoke about the National Counselling Services offered by the HSE.  He described the model as a free phone access, a self-referral by telephone and is available free of charge in all regions of the HSE. It is a professional, confidential, counselling & psychotherapy service which is available in more than 60 locations nationwide. The counselling and psychotherapy is tailored to meet the client needs. 

The counsellors and therapists are highly qualified and experienced in the area of developmental trauma:

The purpose of the conference was threefold –

1 – To communicate the church’s safeguarding message.

2 – To give updates regarding policy and procedures and to distribute the safeguarding newsletter 2015. 

3 – To thank parish and diocesan personnel, over 200 volunteers who give of their time, energy and talent     in safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults while they participate in church     activities.

safeguarding speakers 2015

Meilssa Suzie Una


The Safeguarding Newsletter 2015 is available download