as of 29 July 2020


  1. Cois Farraige Pastoral Area, consisting of the parishes of Ballaghameehan, Glenfarne, Kinlough/Glenade, Manorhamilton

         Vicar Forane of Pastoral Area: Fr John Gilhooly, P.P., Manorhamilton.


  1. St Hugh’s Pastoral Area, consisting of the parishes of Ballinaglera, Dromahaire, Drumkeerin, Killinagh/Glangevlin.

         Vicar Forane of  Pastoral Area: Fr Tom McManus, P.P., Drumkeerin.


  1. St Aidan’s Pastoral Area, consisting of the parishes of Derrylin, Kinawley/Killesher.

         Vicar Forane of Pastoral Area: Fr. Gerard Alwill, P.P., Knockninny.


  1. St Brigid’s Pastoral Area, consisting of the parishes of Ballinamore/Drumreilly Lower, Carrigallen/Drumreilly Upper, Killeshandra.

         Vicar Forane of Pastoral Area:  Fr Sean Mawn, P.P. Ballinamore.


  1. St. Mogue’s Pastoral Area, consisting of the parishes of Corlough/Templeport, Kildallan.

         Vicar Forane of Pastoral Area: Fr Oliver O’Reilly, P.P., Ballyconnell.


  1. Annalee Pastoral Area, consisting of the parishes of Annagh, Castletara, Drumlane.

         Vicar Forane of Pastoral Area: Fr John McTiernan, P.P., Belturbet.


  1. St Patrick’s Pastoral Area, consisting of the parish of Urney and Annagelliff .

         Vicar Forane of Pastoral Area: Fr Kevin Fay, Adm., Cavan.


  1. St Felim’s Pastoral Area, consisting of the parishes of Ballintemple, Crosserlough, Kilmore.

         Vicar Forane of Pastoral Area: Fr Sean McDermott, P.P. Ballintemple.


  1. St Michael’s Pastoral Area, consisting of the parishes of Drumgoon, Kill/Drung, Laragh.

         Vicar Forane of Pastoral Area:  Fr John Cooney, P.P. Drumgoon.


  1. St Bartholomew’s Pastoral Area consisting of the parishes of Castlerahan, Denn, Lavey.

         Vicar Forane of Pastoral Area: Fr Kevin Donohoe, P.P., Castlerahan.


  1. St Benan’s Pastoral Area, consisting of the parishes of Kilmainhamwood, Killann, Knockbride.

         Vicar Forane of Pastoral Area: Fr Ultan McGoohan, P.P., Bailieborough.


  1. St Kilian’s Pastoral Area, consisting of the parishes of Killinkere, Lurgan, Mullagh.

         Vicar Forane of Pastoral Area:  Fr Dermot Prior, P.P. Virginia.





Pastoral Areas

The thirty four parishes of the diocese are grouped into twelve Pastoral Areas. The Pastoral Areas provide an opportunity for parishes to work together in such a way that individual parishes are supported in their efforts to ensure that they will continue to exist as vibrant communities of faith into the future. Such inter-parish co-operation in the diocese should be predominantly mission-centred rather than purely administrative; however, there is awareness that the declining numbers of priests is lending a sense of urgency to this development.   


Pastoral Area Leaders

Vicar Forane The Vicar Forane is a priest who has been placed in charge of a Pastoral Area consisting of a number of adjacent parishes or of a large parish with a number of distinct areas.

The duties of the VF’s will include the following:

  • To Promote and co ordinate common pastoral action in the Pastoral Area.  
  • To be responsible for the employment and oversight of a Pastoral Assistant. 

  • To organise meetings of the clergy and pastoral assistants of the Pastoral Area regularly- usually every two weeks. 

  • To ensure that these meetings have a pre-arranged agenda and that proper minute are taken by the secretary. 

  • To ensure that pulpit exchange weekends are organised at least four times per year.
  • To liaise with the Vicar for Clergy in relation to care of Priests’ issues in the Pastoral Area.
  • To arrange cover for priests within the Pastoral Area in cases of unforeseen absence, due to illness or any other reason.
  • To make arrangements for the establishment/renewal of a Pastoral Area Council and co-ordinate its operation.
  • To ensure that Mass times in the pastoral area are such that the priests of the Pastoral Area can provide adequate cover, even if one of their number is absent.
  • To ensure that an emergency plan is in place if more than one priest is absent.
  • To be the cluster contact person for the Dean, Bishop, the Diocesan Office and the Diocesan Pastoral Team.

The Vicars Forane will be appointed by the bishop, in consultation with the Vicar General and Deans.


Pastoral Area Team

In each Pastoral Area there will be a Pastoral Area Team which will include laity and clergy working together. The principal concern of the Pastoral Area Team will be the pastoral care of the people and priests in their group of parishes. This team will also be responsible for discerning and coordinating the gifts and strengths available in the Pastoral Area that can be put to good use in the service of communion and mission. It will oversee pastoral activities and initiatives that take place on a Pastoral Area basis. This will require strong support for and an understanding of the need for active and resourced Parish Pastoral Councils and the provision of resources for adult faith formation, pastoral development, youth ministry etc. This can be done in conjunction with the Diocesan Pastoral Centre but it is important that the Pastoral Area’s own resources in these areas are identified, encouraged and made use of.  The Pastoral Area Team will seek to encourage cooperation and meetings among the pastoral groups that are active in the parishes – liturgy groups, baptismal groups, prayer groups, bereavement groups etc. Some or all of these might be organised on a Pastoral Area wide basis. Over the coming years the team will also be required to discuss and to make appropriate changes to the number and times of weekend Masses in their area. It is advisable that all the Masses can be covered comfortably when one third of the priests in the area are absent. 



