I welcome the publication of the Health Service Executive Diocesan Audit Report on 11th October last and in particular the section of the Audit relating to the diocese of Kilmore. The overall findings of the Audit were generally positive. It stated that “Overall over the course of the Audit substantial improvements have been made to enhance diocesan ability to enhance the safeguarding of children.”
The report spoke of “significant improvements” in the diocese of Kilmore. It found that the diocese was fully compliant with 44 of the 48 standards in the Standards and Guidance Document as published by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland. It made recommendations in relation to 4 of the 48 standards.
One of the recommendations concerned developing guidelines on the intimate care of children with disabilities. Our submission explained that we are waiting for a draft policy on this delicate matter from the National Board for Safeguarding Children.
Other recommendations included clarifying the procedure for dealing with unacceptable behaviour by adults responsible for children (e.g. bad language, offensive comments), the development of whistle-blowing and equality policies, and providing further clarification about the supports available to those making complaints of abuse and those accused of abuse.
We look forward to working with the HSE and the National Board to implement all of these recommendations. Some of them have already been implemented in our new safeguarding manual launched last May, Safeguarding Children: Policy and Procedures 2012. Our Diocesan Co-ordinator of Safeguarding Children has arranged to have regular meetings with HSE childcare staff over the months ahead to ensure maximum co-operation. We want to ensure that we have the best possible safeguards in place for all children involved in Church activities in our diocese and appropriate supports available for all those affected by abuse.
Best practice regarding the safeguarding of children involves ongoing vigilance by all within and outside the life of the Church. I invite anyone with a child safeguarding concern to contact one of our Diocesan Designated Persons. They are Suzie Duffy, Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan, Co Cavan. Telephone number: 049 4375004, Ext 105 and Fr Sean Mawn, Parochial House, Ballinaglera, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim, 071 9643014. They may also contact the Health Service Executive or an Garda Síochána.
Once again I wish to thank all our safeguarding personnel, both at diocesan and at parish level, for their commitment and generosity in putting their time and their skills at the service of safeguarding children in the Church.
Leo O’Reilly
Bishop of Kilmore.